You can read a lot of search engine optimization tips from various experts and gurus in the industry and you may follow them or not, it depends if you think that what they say actually makes sense, or you can go straight to Google and ask specific pointers and tips on how to improve website ranking and optimization.

Whether you like it or not, everything Google says is automatically added in the bible of SEO.  As they are considered the game changer in the search industry, experts and gurus are constantly waiting on what are their next moves to innovate and improve their search engine services.

Top 3 Effective SEO Tips from Google

Google are well aware of the increasing demand of SEO services as millions of businesses online compete to capture big chunks of their audiences through search.  The search business is considered as a multi-billion dollar industry as more and more online users prefer to look for products and services through searching.  Also, the demand of high caliber SEO professionals is also on the rise as more and more business owners wanted to grab the opportunity to leverage on the popularity of search.

Matt Cutts, Google’s Search Quality Engineer, shares the following top 3 SEO tips that directly and indirectly affect a website’s rankings and its visibility to search engines.

Page loading speed optimization – In simple layman’s term, this has to do on how fast the pages of your website load once a certain volume of users or traffic are on your website.  For example, if you have an online shoe shop and you have hundreds of shoe catalogs displaying all your available stocks, the catalog pages should load faster no matter how high the traffic.  Once your page loading will become slower, there’s a high possibility that potential shoe buyers will leave your website because they don’t have the time to wait for your page to load fully.

Page speed optimization includes image optimization, coding error evaluation, and re-evaluation of your overall website design.

Internal linking optimization – You should have a consistent internal linking structure on your website.   Only use good keywords and avoid those spammy ones.  Also, provide useful and detailed description when linking to your products pages.

Social media marketing optimization – Instead of viewing SEO and Social Media Marketing as two separate marketing strategies, you can make the latter complement the former or vice versa.  In SEO, you can increase the online visibility of your website by making use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and G+.  The more links you promote in there, the higher the chances of increasing the visitors of your website.  These visits, according to Matt Cutts, can greatly affect your page ranking and search visibility.

Our SEO Company offers comprehensive search and social media marketing services.  We have a team of well-rounded internet marketing professionals who are well-adept with the latest effective tactics in search engine and social media optimization.  Don’t settle for anything less.  Only hire the experts.

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