In business, it is very important to know the distinction between amateurs and professionals.  This is also the same with blogging.  Experts in the online industry can easily distinguish amateur bloggers from professional ones.  One important factor in determining professional bloggers from amateur ones is through blog design.

The design of a blog often affects how a blog site can attract visitors and readers.   It also has the power to repel or make them stay, thus how you customize your blog design can directly affect the success of your blogging career.

Effective Blog Design Tips to Make Your Blog Look More Professional

Professional bloggers earn their living through blogging while amateur ones are commonly hobbyists who take blogging as an extension of their online life.  But, for those amateur bloggers who wanted to take the next level and would like to establish themselves as professional online writers, here are some effective tips on how to make your blog design look more professional.

  1. Keep all areas of your blog clean.  Avoid clutters like blinking sidebar banners, unmatched badges, irritating ads, and other unnecessary stuff that can repel any types of visitors from staying longer on your blog.
  2. Use images in moderation.  Do not crowd your blog with so many photos or images.  Make sure that all the images you upload on your blog will not make its loading speed slower.  Always make use of GIF, PNG, or JPEG formats.  Professional bloggers know that most readers have no patience to wait a slow-loading page.
  3. Customize your template.  Only amateur bloggers use templates that are also used by other bloggers.  To make your blog design unique, try to customize your template to suit the overall feel of your blog.  If you don’t have any advance graphic skills, you can employ a website design company to help you do a better template design.  You will not regret the result because you would definitely get the blog design you prefer.
  4. Customize your head banner. Customizing your head banner is actually a bit important than customizing your overall blog template, that is, if you have a very limited resources.  Customizing your head banner alone can make a difference.  If you have basic knowledge of Photoshop, then you are good to go.
  5. Always make sure your post titles are in H1 tag.  Structure hierarchy in blog design is very important.  Your blog post title deserves the biggest font size as it should capture your potential readers’ attention.
  6. Link your head banner or head title to your homepage.  If you are not implementing this on your blog, everyone would assume that you are a neophyte blogger who has very limited knowledge about blogging.
  7. Promote your social media pages on the most visible part of your blog.  Display a badge with a link to your Twitter or Facebook page on the upper right corner of your blog.  You can also put your social media badges at your header menu’s lower area.  The placement of these buttons or badges actually depends on the overall layout of your blog’s template.

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Photo Credit: Blog_(1).jpg file by Cortega9 under Creative Common License from