One of the main reasons why you often get poor digital marketing results is because of the fact that you fail to plan properly. So, we decided to show you the basics of creating a digital marketing plan that can help improve your overall digital marketing performance.
Planning is a crucial process that help you run a successful digital marketing campaign. Without it, you’ll just be wasting your time and effort in an endeavor with no goals and deadlines.
Here are the 4 important steps which can help you develop a more effective digital marketing plan all year round.
Do an assessment of your current Digital Marketing Plan
Before creating a new digital marketing plan, you must assess your current digital marketing plan and see for yourself which goal you have achieved and in which area you need to put more effort.
You can also create a list of past marketing campaigns and identify their strengths and weaknesses. If you have profiles on several social media networks, then it’d be good to create a list of these along with other marketing assets as some or all of them can be used for future marketing campaigns.
Once you’re done assessing everything, you’ll have a clearer picture on what strategies need to be dropped and those ones that need to be utilized again in your next campaign.
Create a new Plan which will also include the team, timeline and main goals
Once you have assessed your current marketing plan, the next obvious step is to create a new marketing plan which will incorporate the feedback from the older one. This new plan will deal with the weak spots of the old digital marketing plan.
You must also tie each goal with a timeline as if your goal is to reach a specific number of visitors, then set a deadline for this goal along with other similar goals. Another important thing is to delegate each task to a member of your team and at this stage you must also select the team which will be responsible for executing this plan.
Task delegation is very important when you are creating a plan. This will help you hold someone accountable when something unexpected happens in the midst of your campaign.
Execute the Plan
An idea no matter how good it is, is useless if it can’t be executed in a flawless manner. The same is true for digital marketing as no matter how good your strategy is, your success is largely dependent on the execution.
Even veteran marketers underestimate the importance of this step as most assume that executing a marketing plan is going to be easy. Whereas in reality, execution is often the most difficult part of the marketing process.
Keeping your focus on your goal, and documenting everything can help you execute your plan well. Make sure you stick with your deadlines as this can also greatly affect the success of your campaigns. Timeliness improves your chances of accomplishing your target goals.
Monitor the progress of your plan using Analytics and optimize your digital marketing Strategies
In marketing, there is a saying that “what can’t be measured can’t be improved”. Optimizing a marketing plan can take weeks or even months. You’ll need to monitor the progress of your plan using analytics and metrics in order to optimize it. Metrics chosen by you differ depending on the purpose of your plan or the specific goal which you are trying to achieve.
For a business interested in sales, revenue is by far the most important metric, but if you want to increase the number of visitors to your site, then you must use the new visitor metrics which are available with Google Analytics and other analytics software.
There are actually many good analytics tool that can help you monitor and track your marketing performance, but so far, the one that is very popular among business owners and marketers is Google Analytics. If you master this tool, then you won’t have any problem monitoring the progress of your campaigns.
You can easily create a well-defined digital marketing plan anytime by following the above mentioned 4 steps. You may also tweak a bit with these steps if you feel that you need to add anything further. Everything depends on you as you are the one who fully know the needs of your business.
Planning is crucial in almost any endeavors to boost the chances of success. Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you think you are now ready to jump into the digital marketing bandwagon but need help in laying out a plan, the team at KISS PR can help you get started. Contact them at 972-437-8942 to avail of a free one-on-one consultation.