
This can be useful for those who want to redesign their video assets, and / or perform experiments without investing in significant re-recordings or editing.

In March, Facebook has a ‘new’Slim bysny‘Video editing option in Creator Studio, using machine learning to identify the areas of interest most within your video content, and then provide auto-edits based on these calculations.

Now Facebook makes its new Smart Cropping feature wider available, with the option now accessible in the video upload flow within Creator Studio.

As you can see here, with Smart Cropping you can automatically generate a 1: 1 or 4: 5 version of any video clip, with the Facebook system identifying the most important focus elements and optimally based on these points.

As explained by Facebook:

Smart Crop optimizes the main topic in the content and keeps the main topics central and within the framework. You can publish this video directly in Creator Studio, and you can review the revised video before publishing it. You can also compare the revised version with the original before publishing to decide which version you want to publish. ‘

Facebook Smart Cropping

Facebook uses similar technology with its Portal Video Caller, which pan and zoom automatically while chatting, to ensure speakers are always in the frame. Portal will also automatically widen when someone else enters the room, and this is the same kind of object recognition that Facebook now applies to its automated video editing, which sounds like it may yield varying results. But for certain types of uploads, it can also save you a lot of time.

At the very least, if you work with a lot of videos, it might be worth an experiment. The new feature is now available in Creator Studio in the ‘Upload video’ component of the post-creation flow.

Thanks to Ahmed Ghanem for posting the update.


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