
Mobile marketing has become a new norm in the era of digital marketing. Smartphones are probably the first thing everyone sees when they wake up and the last thing before going to bed.

Now you realize the power of mobile marketing. Smartphones have become an integral part of our day-to-day lives, and they use marketers to use mobile marketing strategies to build a customer base.

The smartphone is a small device but has intense power to spread positive words across the brand. Statista said this there will be 3.8 billion smartphone users around the world; as a result, cell phones have become more important, whether you want to chat, search the internet or promote a product.

The wide access to the internet has played an important role in the popularization of mobile marketing. In the past, companies used to spend a million dollars on television commercials, but now they invest heavily in it. digital marketing services because it’s the popular way to reach a large audience.

As smartphone users continue to grow and people buy products online, mobile marketing has come into the spotlight. Here we discuss good reasons why you should start with mobile marketing. But before that, let’s understand the meaning and look at some statistics that reflect the power of mobile marketing.

What is mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing is a type of marketing that allows brand owners to connect directly with customers. This marketing strategy aims to reach customers on smartphones or tablets via social media, apps, websites, email and any other form of communication.

The penetration of smartphones into daily life and wide access to the internet are the main reasons that convince marketers to pay more attention to mobile marketing.

Regardless of the size and type of business, mobile marketing offers many benefits, such as opening the door to a global audience and enabling you to reach customers instantly. In addition, customers can immediately make contact with the brand, making marketing an ongoing activity for customers to help.

Marketing has evolved as a result of changing customers’ preferences and innovation in technology; all you can do is adopt new changes and take a dynamic approach to capture more valuable clues for your business.

How much internet traffic will there be in 2021?

By 2021, mobile devices averaged more than half of Internet traffic worldwide.

By search engines

  1. Apple’s Safari is the best choice among all Internet users across the US.
  2. Recent figures show that more than 55.11% of all US smartphone users use Safari to access the Internet, and Google Chrome is second with 36.67%.
  3. DuckDuckGo ranks third, with 65% of users using their smartphones to access the DuckDuckGo search engine.

6 Mobile Marketing Statistics to Consider

Now you’ve probably realized why mobile marketing is important, and it can cost you more than you think if you look it up. Still not convinced? Here are some statistics that prove that mobile marketing is crucial to the success of your business.

Did you know more than 88% of customers who do a local search on their mobile phones visit a place on the same day?

Among them, 43% of people are more looking for new restaurants than any other industry, including manufacturing, entertainment, shops, hotels and many more. Therefore, food business owners are willing to invest mobile restaurant marketing because it can give a boost to the conclusion and keep them high in the competitive environment.

Why is mobile marketing important in 2021?

Smartphones are entrenched in contemporary life, with more than 3.5 billion mobile phone users worldwide. Today, a large portion of the population has access to the internet on their smartphones, which is ultimately leading to an increase in mobile marketing. Here we have mentioned a few reasons that may explain why mobile marketing is important in the coming years:

Connect with your target audience anytime, anywhere

To access the internet, people usually use computers, laptops, tablets and cell phones, but smartphones are increasing in all demographics. It can be said that people carry a whole world in their pockets and make contact with the world whenever they want.

Brands can take advantage of this and connect with their target audience via mobile marketing, no matter what product or service they offer. With targeted advertising, marketers can run smart digital campaigns to improve conversion tariffs. Unlike traditional promotion, a targeted marketing strategy can enable you to spread words about your product to a specific demographic.

The appearance of the data makes it easier for marketers to segment users and publish content according to their preferences. This allows brand owners to eventually target their market faster and connect with them more personally.

Use multiple marketing channels

This is great about mobile marketing as you can implement all marketing terms to connect with your target audience. There are many interesting channels and strategies you can use to attract users, such as:

Mobile sites

As mentioned above, more than half of the website traffic comes from mobile phones because it is a fast way to get brand information. That is why it is very important to invest in mobile, friendly websites.

Mobile applications

According to the information revealed by App Annie, more than 92% of mobile Android time is spent on one type of app. Marketers harness the power of this and engage with customers in a more personalized way to promote brand awareness.

SMS marketing

According to one survey, more than 68% of popular brands still think that SMS marketing delivers optimistic results and an easier way to communicate with customers. If so, creating an SMS marketing strategy is suitable for business success.

QR codes

QR codes are becoming popular in mobile marketing. For example, if you visit Inox or PVR, you should have seen some black and white boxes in front of your seat. Yes, these are QR codes; it’s easy for users to visit a website and order products as they no longer have to type in the entire link.

Game ad

Being close to the target while playing a game and ads suddenly appearing on the screen can be an annoying but very effective way to reach a large audience.

Growing demand

The mobile industry has grown at an exponential rate and will not slow down any time soon. There are many important reasons for this enormous growth; one of the reasons for this is that companies around the world manufacture affordable smartphones and telecommunications companies that offer cost-effective data plans.

So more people can now afford smartphones, and it helps a brand manager to get started with mobile marketing. As more and more people have access to smartphones in the next decade, more brands will put together mobile marketing strategies to generate more sales.

Mobile Marketing Increases Search Engine Rankings

Popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Increase the search rankings for the site if it is strongly present on social media channels. If your website is attracted to your Facebook account, it means that your Facebook profile and website appear when someone searches for it. It increases the visibility of your business and puts your brand in the foreground.

More personal

People nowadays consume more content via smartphones, and therefore information received on smartphones feels much more personal than on desktops. It helps brand owners create something more personal, and a personalized marketing campaign often delivers incredible results.

Mobile marketing is a game changer

Indeed, mobile marketing is an important part of the booming digital marketing world. Mobile marketing is here to stay, and researchers claim that it will gain a larger position in the coming years. From shopping to food to services to groceries, even to communications, an increasing penetration of smartphones is proving a game changer in the digital world.

Brands that are still waiting and lack mobile marketing strategies will find it difficult to climb abroad. So what are you waiting for? Opt for mobile marketing today and take advantage of exclusive benefits.


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