
People tend to make contact with news sources they trust. As a writer, you can be the news source.

However, it is not easy to build a large following in a world where so many voices are calling for attention. Therefore, you must utilize all available resources to fall out of the crowd.

One way is to claim your Google News author knowledge panel.

What is a Google News Author Knowledge Panel?

Google News Author Knowledge Panels are information boxes that display Google at the top of search engine results (SERPs) when a user searches for an entity. An entity can be a person, business, organization, or event.

How to Authorize Your Authors Knowledge Account - Lester Holt Example

Information that appears in your author knowledge panel is obtained from Google Knowledge graph.

This is Google’s database, which contains a system designed to understand facts about entities on the Internet and how they relate to each other. Knowledge graph gets information from various sources on the internet, including (among others), trusted websites, Google My Business (GMB) profiles, Wikipedia and social media.

Whenever source information changes, Google also updates the author knowledge panel. To display the knowledge panel, search search engines:

  • receive a user’s query
  • get search results for the query
  • identify the first set of factual entities relevant to the query
  • select the most relevant media to display in the knowledge graph
  • verify that the content collected is factual and relevant to the query

A knowledge panel contains content such as:

  • footage (images and videos)
  • your website and other third-party websites on which you appear
  • social media profiles
  • contact details
  • happenings
  • facts about you or your business

Getting users to quickly see who you are and what you are doing is essential to help you build a solid online presence.

Why do you need to verify your author knowledge panel account?

Verifying your author panel account is one way to achieve your marketing goals. Here are some reasons why you should take the time and effort to verify it:

Increase search visibility

One of the main reasons why you should spend time and effort verifying your author knowledge panel account is that it helps improve SEO. When people search for a query related to you or your brand, the first thing they will see on the SERPs is a knowledge graph with information about you and your business. Of course, increased visibility of search results in an increase in traffic to your site and ultimately an increase in revenue.

Increase brand visibility

Another reason to verify your author panel is that it is an excellent way to increase the visibility of brands. Because knowledge panels make up a significant portion of SERP real estate, it offers unmatched brand visibility. Knowledge panels display all kinds of media, offering you incredible branding opportunities. From your name to your social media handles to important website pages, you have the opportunity to submit all branded assets to searchers in one place.

Help manage reputation

Reviews play an important role in establishing your online currency. Unfortunately, not everyone will give positive reviews about your brand or products. Negative reviews can harm your image. This is where a knowledge panel for authors comes in handy. As it appears at the top of SERPs, it helps build trust with users, which helps you with your reputation management.

Improve user experience

Search engines are all about providing users with the best possible user experience (UX). Verifying your Author Knowledge Panel helps. Fortunately, you can also benefit from the positive UX because it helps drive traffic to your website.

How to authorize your author knowledge panel account

Now that you know what an author knowledge panel is and the many benefits of verifying yours, you need to know how to verify it. It is critical to claim that your knowledge graph has more control over the information displayed in your panel. Let’s examine how you empower yours.

1. Create or sign in to your Google Account

To verify your author knowledge panel, you must first create a Google Account if you do not have one. To do it:

  • Go to http://www.google.com/
  • Click the “Sign In” button.
  • Fill in all the necessary details in the registration form.
  • Read and accept Google’s terms and conditions.
  • Click the “Next Step” button. Your account has been created! You can update your profile at any time.

A Google Account is one of the ways that Google verifies your identity and your affiliation with the entity whose knowledge panel you want to manage.

2. Search yourself (or the entity you are associated with) on Google

The next step in claiming your author knowledge panel is to search for the entity whose knowledge panel you want to claim. It can be you as an individual or the knowledge panel of an organization.

The knowledge panel will appear at the top of the SERPs.

How to Authorize Your Authors Knowledge Account - Lester Holt Example

3. Claim your knowledge panel

Once a knowledge panel has been displayed with you or your organization, scroll down to the bottom of the panel. If no one has claimed the relevant knowledge panel, you will find the “Claim this knowledge panel” button.

example of author knowledge panel - claim knowledge panel

This will take you to a window asking you to verify your author knowledge panel.

Author Knowledge Panel - Verify Identity

Clicking “Get Verified” will take you to a page asking you to verify your identity using one of your social media profiles.

Author Knowledge Panel - Verify Account

After you have successfully logged in, you can now start managing the author knowledge panel.

How to get a Google Author Knowledge Panel

What happens if you search for your entity, and you do not appear in a knowledge panel?

This usually happens when there is not enough factual information on the Internet to verify and add Google’s knowledge graph. As a result, it could not generate an author knowledge panel.

You may now be asking yourself, ‘How do you build enough critical mass in Google’s knowledge graph for Google to recognize your entity?’

Displayed on the Wikipedia page

Wikipedia is one of the trusted sources that Google turns to when gathering information for its knowledge graph. One reason for this is the strict guidelines that Wikipedia has established to ensure that all pages published on the platform are accurate and contain no bias. So if you appear on the platform, you are connecting to one of the most trusted sources of information on the internet.

One of the best ways to get started is to build Wikipedia backlinks. The easiest way to do this is by searching for and repair broken links on Wikipedia. Use a tool like WikiGrabber to find pages that have broken links or need a link.

Another way is to reach out to an independent Wikipedia editor to create a page for you or mention you on other pages.

Granted, it’s an uphill task to appear on Wikipedia. If you want an easier route, you may want to consider Wikidata. It is a database that feeds structured data Wikimedia project. Since Google Freebase, their open source repository powered by the Knowledge Graph, has closed, it also relies on data from Wikidata.

Use your website

Knowledge graph also retrieves information from websites. To leverage your website to build the critical mass you need, you need to:

  • Use schema formatting: Schema format, or structured data, helps Google understand what you and your site are. Well done, Google will point out all the confirmatory information that serves as proof of your authorship.
  • Keep a detailed page “About us”: Your page about us should explain who you are and what you do. Also include links to relevant publications that can confirm who you are and what you do.
  • Point back to your connections: If you have links that already appear in knowledge panels, name them strategically on your website, link to their entities or add them to your scheme layout.

Investing in an optimized website and well-structured content is an essential step in getting information about yourself in the knowledge graph.

Display yourself on third-party sites

Another way to build enough critical mass to give search engines enough factual knowledge about you is to appear in trusted publications. Some effective ways to do this are by:

  • Guest post: By publishing articles on authority news sites, you can create more digital assets to provide Google with your information. It’s also a great way to establish yourself as a trusted source of information.
  • Speak at events: Both online and personal opportunities allow you to be named on third-party sites, which helps you collaborate on your copyright claims.

The more you appear on the internet, especially on reputable and relevant sites, the more likely you are to appear in a knowledge panel.

Increase your social media presence

Social media has become more than just a way to keep in touch with family and friends. It has become one of the ways you can prove your identity online. Therefore, optimizing your social media profiles and being active is a great way to enhance your knowledge graph.

Creating content that your audience will communicate and share with can enhance your online presence, enhancing your knowledge graph.

Getting into the knowledge graph is essential for generating your author knowledge panel. Do everything you can to ensure that your search engines provide enough factual information about yourself.

By doing so, you will ensure that you are recognized as an entity worthy of a knowledge panel. Also make sure that you continue to “feed” the knowledge graph with updated information. It is essential to ensure that your knowledge panel is filled with the latest information about you.

Author Knowledge Panel Questions

Before you close this post, let us answer some of your burning questions regarding author knowledge panels.

How do I get an author knowledge panel?

Although you can not create an author knowledge panel for yourself, you can get one by recognizing Google as an entity. You do this by enlarging your knowledge graph on Google.

Where can I find my Google Knowledge Panel?

Search Google yourself to find your knowledge panel. A knowledge panel with all kinds of media and information about you will be generated.

How do you run a knowledge panel?

Managing your knowledge panel involves claiming and verifying your knowledge panel. By doing so, you grant access and the right to manage your knowledge panel.

Can you edit knowledge panels?

After claiming your knowledge panel, you can edit the information it displays by clicking on the “Suggest changes” link. Note, however, that you can only do this if you are signed in to your Google Account.

Google News Author Author Knowledge Panel Summary

The author knowledge panel is an excellent feature that makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for on the internet. If you can harness its power, it’s also a great way to use power your marketing strategy. Of drive traffic to your website to brand awareness, to argue that your author knowledge panel is an excellent business company that you can not ignore.

Remember, keep creating content across different trusted platforms to provide the Google Knowledge Graph with current information that you can display in your author knowledge panel.

How was your experience with claiming to be your author’s knowledge panel?

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