
Summary of 30 seconds:

  • Keyword research is at the heart of understanding where your business stands and what your end users expect
  • Measuring or monitoring your analysis is a great way to listen to your customers or readers for effective ideas
  • Seasonality is a great way to find ideas about fresh content by finding angles where your primary topic overlaps with seasonal interests
  • Work together and meet real people – use every opportunity (opportunities, encounters, live sessions) to talk to people and listen to what they would be interested in consuming
  • Use ‘demand research’ to understand the existing information gaps in the market
  • Pack your old, better-performing content into new (updated) assets

If you feel that everything has already been written and you have no idea what you can still write about, here are six content ideas that can help you come up with valuable and engaging content this year:

1. Use new tools for keyword research

Keyword research is not just for SEO! They can give you in-depth insight into the interests, questions and struggles of your audience. Investigate and discuss it in your content.

The key is to try a new tool from time to time. Why? Each tool uses a different data source or a different output or a different way to organize the keywords. Any of these will suffice to give you lots of content ideas.

Fortunately, we have quite a few tools to choose from.


This tool gives you almost everything you need to compile a good topic list. Or at least point you in the right direction. Check out the left channel to find popular concepts around your main topic and build your content around them!

Source: screenshot by the author

Kparser offers a premium version for $ 69 a month, but I still use its free version which is great!


KeywordTool.io provides access to many data sources, including Google, Youtube, Amazon, Instagram and Twitter.

Amazon Keywords - Marketing Content Ideas(Content ideas from Amazon)

Source: screenshot by the author

The tool gives you many ideas for free, but to see every keyword analysis you need to upgrade to one of the listed plans.

Answer the public

You may not have heard of this one yet. It features a man named ‘The Seeker’, who is waiting impatiently for your questions. You put in keywords or phrases, he suggests some interesting topics.

As well as being an excellent tool for keyword research, it is also ideal for query research (see my number 5 of the list!) If you use different ways to group and organize your keyword lists, it will probably uncover more ideas. These grouping techniques include keyword grouping and semantic research.

Answer the publicSource: screenshot by the author

Answer the public is vryemium and have a minimum of $ 79 per month if you pay a year, but honestly, I have never had to upgrade as the free version is simply amazing!

2. Go to your real customers for ideas

You know who you really need to listen to. Right, your current and future customers. You want your content to make a difference to your conclusion, not just bring your word out there, no matter if anyone is listening or not.

You do not just want to be heard by your target audience.

You can even enhance the process by building your recordings with visualization tools. Here are some extra tips on it.

You can offer a good mix of generic questions (like, ask about their lifestyle) that can help you build your customers’ personas and better target them. Then come your brand-specific questions:

  • “What questions did you have when browsing our services?”
  • “Are they adequately covered on the site?”

The latter will also help you improve your site performance.

The best thing is that you will also be able to use the results of your surveys in content and articles on the website, which will make your site intentional, reliable and linkable.

It is also a wise idea to set up a well-defined routine to help you answer your customers’ questions. This will help you with both content planning and social goals.

Slack is a great tool to help communication and idea sharing in the team. Simply set up a separate Slack channel and encourage your customer and support team to send questions from your customers there as soon as they arise.

Using your web analytics is another way to listen to your customers and readers. Finteza is an excellent solution for better understanding what content and page elements your site users respond to best. It supports a variety of opportunities, including mouse-over, clicks, and downloads, so you can better measure content that engages your readers:

Conversion rights and the role of the content in themSource: fineness

3. Consider seasonal trends

There is holidays and seasonal trends to include in your content editorial plans. If you catch a trend, there is always a big boost to interactions, new followers and clicks.

Use seasonal trends to create content ideas Source: screenshot by the author

The great thing about seasonal trends is that you can plan your editorial calendar months in advance because they are easy to predict and repeat annually. This means you can reuse your calendar as a reference point to structure and improvise your seasonal content strategy for maximum success.

Simply sit down and plan your content assets for the upcoming big holidays, seasonal events such as the cleaning season of spring, summer holidays, Amazon Prime Day and other notable days that are relevant to your customers.

Roadmap editorial calendarSource: Screenshot by the author

You can use Google Spreadsheets to create your content roadmap. To better focus on ideas and be more inspired, I usually start planning my seasonal content with a calendar that you can easily print. find using these steps.

There is handy calendar programs that can even integrate into WordPress to keep up with the holidays you may want to include in your social media editorial plan.

You can submit social media updates as far as one year to make sure there is always something going on in your brand channels, no matter how busy you are.

4. Go out into the world

We tend to seek our inspiration online because we are aimed at an internet based audience, which is completely understandable: you can discover so many amazing topics on the internet. It’s just not the only place we can look, and just searching online limits our scope and our returns.

The most popular content is one that comes from the real world. People love personal stories!

Go out into the real world. Look for events in your industry or things that are tangentially related. Discover how everyday experiences fit into your niche and you use social media channels as a platform to explain and share others.

Get out of cyberspace and meet space!

A great way is to engage with your local community (now in a safe and socially distant way!)

It serves as an excellent way to understand the pulse of your audience / target customers, their intentions and personal experiences that influence their decisions. On top of that, you also deserve the chance to introduce new people to your brand.

You can also contact other local brands, businesses and business owners and possibly work out some topic ideas along the way.

5. Find out what people are asking online

Question research offers some important marketing opportunities:

  • Questions give you a lot of insight into what your target audience is struggling with and how you can best help
  • Questions are your best source of content
  • Covering niche queries online provides more organic search opportunities for search, including is featured and ranked in “People ask too” results
  • Asking a question on social media is one of the most important ways to increase your engagement on social media, because when they see a question mark, people have that natural reflex to stop and find an answer.

So regularly ask questions on social media and link with answers you receive.

If you are open to tools to enhance this exercise, Text Optimizer is a smart option. Just type your keyword in the “Topic Ideas” section and it will provide you with a list of topic ideas:

Questions for research and content creationSource: screenshot by the author

Each question is judged on how many people search for it and how many sites it covers, which gives you a clear analysis of the question versus competition, which informs your decision making.

The tool is paid for and I do not know of any alternatives. But the good thing is that research on questions will mostly be free. You’ll get ideas on content without having to pay an account or register.

Quick tip: if you install them Google Chrome extension, most of the analytics will be available for free as long as you use Google Chrome.

Source: screenshot by the author

6. Learn the art of repackaging content

The contents of the package will be the best weapon in your arsenal. It takes what you already have and lets it stretch, and get more out of every piece you write. Many of these prolific writers use this tactic, even if it is extreme. This is how they manage to pull out so much without others writing to them.

What does content repackaging entail? It creates new content directly from the old one. Some ways to do this are:

  • Collecting articles in an e-book to give away on your website (this will be a bonus as a bonus) lead magnet!)
  • Creating a webinar with the information you wrote
  • Turn your content series into a (mini) email course
  • Creating newsletters
  • Record a podcast with the old content of the message
  • Take a video with the old content of the message
  • Converting information from posts to infographics
  • Create a slide show with shortened slides
  • Writing new posts based on small details mentioned in old posts that have been expanded

These are just a few examples, but you get a general idea. A piece of content should never be left alone without any form of recycled items coming out of it.

If you look at that list of ideas for packaging old content, did one of them stand out as forms of media that you have never tried before? It may be time to start expanding what you create and produce something brand new.

This will attract a new kind of audience, which is attracted to the relevant media. Do you usually write blog posts? Start making infographics or videos. Never done a slideshow? Consider it now and see if it bites.

You will be able to recycle your content better this way, and it will prevent you from getting burned out. This will inevitably have an impact on the speed and quality of your content creation.

Content perception is not easy and on top of that it is an ongoing struggle. Let’s hope these ideas will get you out of the writing block!

Ann Smarty is the founder of Viral Content Bee, Branding and Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. She can be found on Twitter @seosmarty.


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