
Did you know there are millions and millions of people struggling to read? Did you know that most people would probably read something that does not tax their brain? The readability of the content is an important factor for the success of the content. Yoast SEO contains various tools that will help you improve readability. In addition, in Yoast SEO 17.2 you can also work on readability in the Farsi language.

How Yoast SEO Helps You Improve Readability

For this version, we did not make any changes to the analyzes, but we wanted to emphasize them anyway. You will hear us talk readability rather. And it’s not without reason, because your readers definitely like content that’s easy to find. By easily reading your content, readers can understand it better – and faster. This makes it easier for them to act. Simply because it will take them less time and energy to figure out what you mean.

Readable content is what we should all strive for. Everyone deserves it. By doing so, you not only numb the content, but you open it up to a much larger audience. But the hard part is that we all work on our own level. Lowering the level is not so easy for most people. It’s hard to lower the level you’re so used to. Fortunately, Yoast SEO helps you.

Readability Analysis in Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO has an advanced readability analysis that helps you improve the readability for your audience. For example, check if you use the passive voice too much. The passive voice can make sentences unnecessarily complex and difficult to understand. The plug-in looks at sentence length and helps you reduce very long sentences. The same goes for the length of paragraphs. Yoast SEO also helps you to use enough transition words. It helps in linking sentences and concepts, making the text easier to understand.

By simply keeping track of the scores and using the feedback to improve your text, you’re well on your way to readable content. If you want to learn more about improving your readability, get Yoast SEO Premium and you also get free access to the SEO copywriting training. Or, you can sign up at Marieke’s free readability workshop on September 23rd.

New in Yoast SEO 17.2

Some of the improvements in Yoast SEO 17.2 are focused on the Farsi language. We completed the Farsi readability analysis by adding the transition words, consecutive sentences and passive voice ratings and adjusting the sentence length assessment to make it more appropriate for the Farsi language. In addition, our keyword tracking has improved. We are constantly adding new languages ​​to our language analyzes.

In terms of performance, we cleaned up indexable items for jobs auto-draft post status to speed up your administration pages.

Update now

One of the most important tools in Yoast SEO is the readability analysis. These writing tools help you to strengthen your content and make it accessible to a larger audience. Readable content is great content!


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