
After a preview of the option in development last month, Twitter now has a live test of topic labels in Spaces, which will better enable the platform to highlight relevant Spaces chats with interested users as they happen, potentially broadening the reach of your audio broadcasts.

As you can see here, the new Spaces topic labels can be added in the setup process, with space creators adding up to three topic tags to each session.

As explained by Twitter:

If you’re creating or planning a space, some of you on Android can choose up to 3 topics to mark it from a list of our top 10 topics. But these are currently only 10 topics, and we will expand as we build together. ”

Your options are currently quite limited, with only 10 labels, in total, available and only on Android. Yet the idea is that it will offer Twitter another way to maximize Spaces’ reach, through the exhibits that are going on to people, based on the topics they engage with in the app.

The question then is where Twitter can look to showcase these spaces, and how it will define reach.

At the moment, Twitter will show you the spaces that are going on from people you follow at the top of the app, where Fleets once was — and perhaps Twitter can also use this add-on to expand it to spaces on topics whatever you follow, to keep people informed about relevant content.

Twitter can also look at relevant, ongoing space in its dedicated Spaces tab, which may reach all users at some point in the future.

Twitter Spaces tab

This is an important element anyway – because while Spaces may be a fascinating, interesting option, at the moment for most Spaces broadcasts you have no way of knowing when it will happen unless you follow everything right people in the app.

To be honest, probably the biggest use condition for the option is to fit into spaces of people you follow. But if Twitter wants to maximize the social use of audio and increase engagement with Spaces broadcasts, each space must also be showcased to the largest potential audience – and as such is an important step in listening to key interests, which the listeners can increase and subscriptions, based on Spaces content.

And really, if Twitter can not get the right discovery, people will lose interest in Spaces pretty quickly. Clubhouse users are already lamenting the increasing variety of rooms in the app, as it has opened up to all users, making it harder to find relevant, interesting discussions at any given time.

If people can not find things to turn on without making the effort, they will stop trying — and even if the topic-based sorting is added, there is still some sort of sorting through the chaff to get to the actual to get high quality broadcasts and broadcasters on every topic.

Ideally, Twitter could rely on its algorithm sorting to highlight relevant spaces in each user’s Explore feed, even without the need for topic tags, as it could probably determine topics based on each broadcaster’s profile. But based on the topic recommendations I see from Twitter, I do not have much confidence in it – which in turn places more emphasis on manually entered topic labels as a way to maximize listeners.

This is an important element, and although it is currently only in limited form, you can expect Twitter to develop it quickly, as it wants to give it a boost in the coming months.


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