If you want to get the word out about your business, Google Ads is a popular way to go.

The service, which posts ads on Google’s search engine and on other websites, is an important tool for Rich Casamento’s marketing firm.

When the Morris County man manages Google Ads accounts for his clients, he sets a daily budget for ad placements. Google charges the accounts, Casamento pays for each campaign and then bills the client. Simple.

Or it was, until one of the account’s budgets — without Casamento’s knowledge or authorization — was changed from $63 per day to $200 per day.

It was three months before Casamento realized something was wrong because the change, mysteriously, didn’t show on the account’s activity log.

“The week that the budget was adjusted, I was happily sipping cocktails on LBI during a week-long vacation with my family,” he said. “It represents 88.5 days that Google overspent the account and Google owes me 88.5 times $137 or $12,124.50.”

When he discovered the…

Read Full Story: https://www.nj.com/news/2022/01/small-business-fights-for-12k-refund-of-unauthorized-charges-from-google-ads.html