Let’s take a familiar journey.

You make a quick Google search and read through a bunch of results. Then, you spot a few websites that have the answer you’re looking for.

But the first, and the most promising, website you select from the SERP doesn’t work correctly on your favorite mobile device.

So, you close it and see if the next site has what you need – no big deal, right?

Well, what if that high-ranking site you just closed had been yours?

Have you ever wondered how often this happened with your website on the receiving end?

How many people have closed your website and contributed to your bounce rate?

How many users dismissed your site because it didn’t work for them?

Content is king, but as we can see here, it’s not the only decisive factor. The device that displays the content also shapes the user experience.

But because most websites are made on a PC, their owners often forget to optimize them for other devices.

Are you making the same mistake?

Check if your website is…

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