(Image credit: Google)

Google has opened up access to its Search Labs testing program allowing users to try out the upcoming search engine update with the most notable change being the Search Generative Experience or SGE.

To be clear, Search Labs isn’t technically open to the public as you’ll have to first join a waitlist. If you’ve already signed up, be sure to check your email account for an as they’re currently rolling out. Don’t worry if you haven’t entered as there’s still room left in the waitlist on both desktop and mobile.

To join on desktop, you need to first install on your computer. From there, head on over to the , select Join Waitlist, and wait for the invitation to arrive. On mobile devices, launch the Google app. You should see a science beaker-esque icon in the top left corner of the screen. Just like before, select Join Waitlist then wait for the invite. Search Labs is available on both iOS and Android so no one’s being left out. Install the latest app update if you…

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMibWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRlY2hyYWRhci5jb20vbmV3cy9nb29nbGVzLWFpLWJvb3N0ZWQtc2VhcmNoLWVuZ2luZS1lbnRlcnMtZmlyc3QtcHVibGljLXRyaWFsLWhlcmVzLWhvdy10by10cnktaXTSAQA?oc=5