Barry Pollard, the Google Chrome Web Performance Developer Advocate, explained how to find the real causes of a poor Lowest Contentful Paint score and how to fix them.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

LCP is a core web vitals metric that measures how long it takes for the largest content element to display in a site visitors viewport (the part that a user sees in a browser). A content element can be an image or text.

For LCP, the largest content elements are block-level HTML elements that take up the largest space horizontally, like paragraph <p>, headings (H1 – H6), and images <img> (basically most HTML elements that take up a large amount of horizontal space).

1. Know What Data You’re Looking At

Barry Pollard wrote that a common mistake that publishers and SEOs make after seeing that PageSpeed Insights (PSI) flags a page for a poor LCP score is to debug the issue in the Lighthouse tool or through Chrome Dev Tools.

Pollard recommends sticking around on PSI because it…

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