All businesses have now fully grasped the importance of content creation, and are putting their time and effort into content marketing. With worldwide shelter-in-place orders and quarantines in effect because of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are turning to the internet and social media to fill their time, provide information, and distract them from the situation. But there’s a difference between making content and making engaging content. People are interested in reading content they find interactive,…
Myths are very common and can sometimes trip you up on your way to success. You should always be mindful of the theories and myths floating around your business. While taking a business decision it is common to take advice and suggestions from experienced and senior folks in the field. However, swift through the information and never base your decisions on a myth surrounding the subject. A good way to counter myths and the confusion…
Google Analytics is one of the most widely used web analytics tools that reveal interesting insights about your website or blog visitors. According to, Google Analytics is used by 56.4% of all the websites on the internet, more than 7 times the next famous traffic analysis tool option, Facebook Pixel. Google Analytics dominates the field and garners an 85.4% share of the traffic analysis tool market. With Google Analytics massive popularity, it is very…
In today’s world of unlimited options and copycat products, where several businesses offer similar products or services, companies need a way to influence a consumer’s buying decisions. A brand personality can help you differentiate yourself from competitors and allows you to influence your consumers buying decisions. But, what is “brand personality” and how can you use it to influence the buying decisions of your target audience? Continue reading below to find out. What is Brand…
Influencer marketing has grown tremendously over the last couple of years, mainly due to the exponential growth of social media platforms. These social media platforms allow a message to be delivered to thousands of followers of an influencer at once. Partnering with social media influencers is now a part of many companies marketing strategy in reaching out to their target audience, which before was more difficult to do. According to a 2019 statistics, over the…
More than 1.3 billion use Facebook Messenger regularly. This is more than the total combined user base of Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. Despite the attention often given to social media platforms by marketing departments, there are still many businesses that have no idea what Messenger marketing is. According to several studies, less than 1% of brands use Messenger for marketing their business to their target audience. Facebook Messenger allows you to use Chatbots, which can…
One of the main reasons why you often get poor digital marketing results is because of the fact that you fail to plan properly. So, we decided to show you the basics of creating a digital marketing plan that can help improve your overall digital marketing performance. Planning is a crucial process that help you run a successful digital marketing campaign. Without it, you’ll just be wasting your time and effort in an endeavor with…