A recent report by The Wall Street Journal says the confidence of small business owners took a downturn in January. According to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business, the numbers slipped to 93.9, which is 1.3 points lower than the previous month. Source: The Wall Street Journal Report “Small-Business Owners Grew Less Confident in January” “Small-business owners turned less optimistic about their economic prospects in January as a tumultuous stock market and…
Law Firm Marketing Expert Qamar Zaman Explains How to Get the Most Out of Your Pay per Click Ads / Google Adwords As competition among law firms get tighter, the need to stand out and create more visibility especially in the SERPs is of utmost importance if you want higher possibility of getting more leads. Pay per Click (PPC) is quite useful if you don’t want your spot in the SERPs getting occupied by your…
The legal world has now becoming more widely competitive given the growing number of lawyers there are in a year. Now, a lot of law firms are making their own strategies to keep up with this highly competitive environment. With the increased number of lawyer rivals, many have embraced the challenges in the lawyer marketplace. Lawyers seek out several of sources where they can get a good marketing strategy for their legal services and law…
There have been many speculations and forecasts about lawyer marketing for the year 2015. Some of them are made by a number of experts in the legal industry. Among these experts is Larry Bodine from Law Practice Advisor. He provided his own predictions for legal marketing for this year. According to Bodine, lawyer site is now considered essential element in terms of marketing. There was a research made that shows law firms can generate more…
Lawyers have been using a lot of advertising medium starting from television ads, billboards, seo, social media marketing and many various online marketing strategies. However, most attorneys have forgotten the benefits of email marketing. With email marketing, lawyers need not invest large amount of money, time and effort in marketing their legal services. So if you’re just starting your own law firm, this is the best way to marketing strategy for you. You can begin…
Have you ran out of new ideas to blog? Transform your law blog into a must-bookmark webpage by applying these top blog post suggestions.
It is difficult to market a law firm online especially if your initial knowledge about the industry is laden with myths and baseless information about inbound marketing (SEO, Social Media) as part of your lawyer marketing strategies. In most cases, people tend to raise eye brows when it comes to promoting legal services on the internet, and mindlessly spread rumors and myths, which, unfortunately, are received by many as facts. These myths are the very…
Unlike Google Wave and other “experimental” social media platforms previously developed by Google (which have already been thrown away to the trash bin), Google+ has so far exceeded the expectations of some skeptics who are prone to the search giant’s epic failures when it comes to its social media ventures. The big G’s recent integration of Google Places (now known as Google+ Local) to its social media banner website, is something most online marketing professionals…
Online marketing is mainly composed of inbound and outbound marketing. Of the two types of marketing, inbound now is much preferred by most businessmen and companies. One of the major strategies in inbound marketing (which are being used by most startups to gain online exposure) is Search Engine Optimization. But, with the latest algorithm updates from Google, its monopoly in the search industry is taking a toll onto search marketing professionals, most especially SEOs. With…
Of all the things Google introduces to the public, it is the Panda update that created the biggest impact (so far) to online entrepreneurs especially the people in the search marketing industry. The Panda effect is phenomenal that it garners numerous feedbacks and criticisms (though Google maintains their stand that the update is all about improving search quality and enhancing quality of service to their users). Nevertheless, the Panda Update becomes phenomenal as it greatly…