
The world of social media is a changing landscape. You can not just create a profile and expect the following to grow organically. That’s why many businesses turn to influencers for help building their audience on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or other platforms.

In the last few years, it has become more common for brands to collaborate with influencers, especially on Instagram. Influences can help you reach a wider audience than if you only market your own business. For example, you can find an Instagram influencer who is already popular among an audience affiliated with you, such as a company that sells makeup, will find another influencer who sells beauty products. This type of partnership will broaden their brand name.

This article will teach you how to find the right influencer for your business needs on Instagram: whether it’s a one-time campaign or someone who can represent your brand on a regular basis.

How to find Instagram influencers

Be clear about your brand values.

What are your brand values? These are the things for which your brand is best.

These can include environmental sustainability, accessibility, equity and other causes – or more simple things like high dog beds or healthy recipes. Knowing what your brand cares about is important, because if you care about environmental awareness, for example, you want to partner with an influencer who also cares about environmental awareness. Your Instagram influencer is going to represent your brand online, so it’s important that you share values ​​to avoid confusion.

Identify the type of campaign.

Do you need someone for a one-off event, or just to post for a while about their experience with your product? Or would you like someone who regularly promotes, engages and generates ads for your business on Instagram? Identify what you need, and find an influencer who seems to have the experience to achieve the goals you want to achieve with your own campaign.

Do your research.

It is important to do research on potential influencers before making a decision on who to work with. Explore potential by following their followers, following them and asking yourself how they can promote your brand in unique ways that will grow your audiences. See if they have experience with other businesses like yours in the past, or ask them questions about why they want to work with you. Ideally, they want to work with you alone for more than just the money.

Post a mailing list.

If you are looking for influencers to work with regularly, post the mailing list on your website or on your social media. Make sure you provide detailed information on what you need and what they will get in return. This will help them decide if it is something they want to pursue or not. Use your specific industry knowledge and make an educated decision when choosing someone who can best represent your brand, as this will pay off in the long run by building trust with customers and prospects.

Find out what their goals are.

You want to make sure that the goals of the influencer match your business goals, so this is a good place to start if you are looking for someone who can represent you well. If they are not working on something similar, or if they have no interest in your industry, it will be of no use to continue the discussion and appoint them as an influencer.

Check their audience size.

An Instagram influencer with a large audience (think more than 100,000 followers) may be good for brand awareness campaigns, but may struggle with engagement or conversion-oriented campaigns. A smaller influencer (think 10,000-50,000 followers), focusing on a niche audience related to your industry, might be better suited to such campaigns.

Make sure their followers are authentic.

To know if the followers of an Instagram influencer are authentic, take a look at their comments and interactions. If they have a lot of spammy or automated involvement, it could be a sign that the influencer likes to have their followers count, which is not good for your brand because the followers will not care about you.

Just in case you were wondering, we tried Instagram followers for sale and it did not work well.

Follow hashtags related to your industry.

On Instagram, you can follow more than just other accounts – you can also follow hashtags. If you follow a hashtag, you will see all the trending messages that also use the hashtag. And you will probably come across reports of influencers who also use the hashtag.

For example, if you sell ethical fashion, you may want to follow the hashtag #sustainablestyle to see Instagram posts by sustainable fashion bloggers. If someone appears a lot in your feed, and you like what you see, you should consider working with them.

how to find instagram followers: a hashtag page for sustainable style on Instagram

Search Google.

It may seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning if you’ve not thought about it yet. Search for the best Instagram influencers in your industry in Google. For example, you can search for ‘top fashion bloggers’ or ‘top fashion Instagram influencers’.

Look at more than just the most popular accounts, which probably already have many partnerships. Also take note of the average audience size, job types and engagement that influencers appear to have in your industry so that you can set expectations for your own campaign.

how to find Instagram influencers on Google

Read their biography.

One step in finding an Instagram influencer is to read through their biography to make sure it’s good for your business. This may sound repetitive right now, but make sure you have followers that match your target market and trade value. A bio-influencer from Instagram will be a big clue to both of these things. They have 150 characters to tell everything they are about.

Tiny Acorn Instagram influencer bio

Here are all the key elements of a Instagram bio.

Note what other brands they are affiliated with.

Does the relevant Instagram influencer work with any other brands in your industry? Then they might fit well. They have experience in brand partnerships and talking to your audience. But they may not fit well if they regularly collaborate with a direct competitor. Or if their previous partnerships did not go well. Or if they are associated with a trademark used by a PR crisis.


After completing the above steps, you just need to reach out! A great way to get started is by sending an instant message on Instagram to your chosen influencer to explain:

  • What your business or brand is
  • Your campaign idea
  • Why you like their account and / or why you believe it’s the right fit

Then politely ask the importer what their rates are, what their upcoming schedule looks like and whether they are interested in working with you. Include any special contact information to continue the conversation.

Here is a guideline for Instagram affects rates, if you need some metrics to get started.

Finally, finding the right Instagram influencer is not easy. It requires a lot of research and spending time through social media. But with these guidelines, you can soon find the right influencer for your brand’s needs and start gaining new fans that you already trust.

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Create, analyze and easily schedule Instagram posts with Hootsuite. Save time and get results.


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