The search engine limits some Google My Business functionalities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how KISS PR responds to these changes. Just recently, Google announced that it suspended some of GMB’s functionalities due to COVID-19. They pointed out that these are temporary limitations as they are currently prioritizing critical services. “During the unprecedented COVID-19 situation, we are taking steps to protect the health of our team members and reduce the need for people to…
Local businesses have been slower to develop their digital marketing efforts since they often lack the resources of large, well-established brands. Google My Business has helped several local businesses in establishing an online presence and has effectively leveled the playing field by giving small businesses the tools necessary to compete against their larger counterparts. Local businesses should aim to attract new customers from the people who are busy searching for services online. These prospective customers…
Lawyer SEO and Digital Asset Marketing Studio Explains Why Law Firm Websites Need to Focus on Local SEO Dallas digital marketing company discusses the importance of local SEO for law firms. The Dallas-based Lawyer SEO and digital asset marketing company for attorneys, OneSEOCompany, works with law firms to market successfully and generate quality leads. One of the main marketing focuses for law firm websites is utilizing local search engine optimization (SEO) to gain more site…
Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT): Why Your Law Firm Should Be Part of It? If you are reading this, you might be scratching your head and is asking yourself, what the hell is Zero Moment of Truth? But, before we answer that question, let’s take a look first on how people look for law firms or lawyers to represent their cases in court. According to LexisNexis, 76% of those people who search for lawyers…
Local SEO is crucial for any lawyer business looking to attract customers in a specific location. Here are 3 local SEO best practices to help you get started. Although changes to Google’s search engine algorithms are behind the constant changes in search engine optimization, it hasn’t diminished the importance of local SEO. In fact, you could say that local SEO has never been more important, what with local results occupying the topmost section of the…
Earlier this month, on September 1 to be exact, the search giant has unleashed another algorithm update that left some businesses scratching their heads because they can’t find their Google My Business listing in local search results anymore. But, their listings are not actually gone as some have thought. According to Joy Hawkins in her blog post on, those Google My Business listings are not gone. They were just being filtered when the search…
Google has been actively reminding publishers and business owners that mobile is the next big thing. With handheld devices becoming the more preferred gadgets these days, desktops search share is getting smaller. This makes optimizing websites for mobile searches and incorporating it into your internet marketing activities becoming inevitable. Those who don’t take heed are going to suffer the consequences. For small business owners, the wake up call is far from over because a few…
Dallas Internet Marketing Expert Qamar Zaman goes over benefits of user generated content for SEO. Some experts in the industry say that user generated content is the new SEO. But, to be more fact-specific, there is no such thing as new SEO or old SEO. Search engine optimization is a system that constantly changes with technology and to tag a newly discovered strategy as a description to the overall process is technically inappropriate. For 2015…
For businesses that target local audience as potential customers for their products and services, the basic know-how in improving their websites to gain more visibility in search engine result pages through Local SEO is a must. One of the most basic strategies to increase the effectiveness of your local search engine optimization is to make use of Google’s website listing service – the Google Places. Google My Business is a free website listing service which aims…