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Coding is all about web development. So you simple must get it right for better safety and to avoid mistakes in the future.

Fortunately, there is a very effective solution. Just as spell checking helps you write flawless documents, web developers can use HTML editors to avoid mistakes.

Everything is faster and easier thanks to, among other things, the spelling checker of HTML editors, the emphasis on syntax and automatic completion.

In this guide I look at the best available HTML editors. Some of these options are free. Try them out. Maybe you find that they let you achieve more in less time, or give you the confidence to try something new.

# 1 – Atom Review – Best for Advanced Customization

Atom splash page for the best HTML editors

Atom is a free, open source code editor developed by the GitHub team and maintained by the GitHub community. It contains plenty of packages and theme collections, runs light and loads very fast, making this HTML editor one of the best you can find.

It’s a modernized WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editor available for Windows, Mac and Linux and built for collaboration. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced professional, Atom is everyone’s favorite with its excellent feel and adaptability.

Consider it an advanced text editor with various features that are usually limited to high-level coding programs.

Atom interface for the best HTML editors

It also comes with a hackable text editor! This is a feature that allows developers to edit, extend, modify and share the source code of the application and design their own packages to enhance Atom.

Multiple window support is another feature I like. You can divide the interface into as many windows as you need to compare and write the code side by side.

Other features include syntax correction and relief, auto-completion, project management and teletype (users can collaborate with other developers in real time).

Atom is completely free! So you do not have to pay any money to use this excellent editor.

# 2-Notepad ++ Review-Best for front-end developers and web designers

Notepad ++ splash page for the best HTML editors

Fast work, time tested and infallible, Notepad ++ is one of the most popular HTML editors used by millions of people worldwide. This is an open source editor that supports multiple languages, which are not just HTML and CSS.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of Notepad ++ is the feature-rich interface.

You get syntax folding, syntax lighting, multi-view, document map, multi-document interface, auto-completion, bookmarks and a fully customizable GUI. And even after this long list, there is more.

Notepad ++ interface for the best HTML editors

Notepad ++ is designed for Windows-based machines, but Linux users can use it via Wine. As the name suggests, this editor is like an upgraded version of Notepad software, which is already available in Windows by default. You can also find its repository on GitHub.

There is also a mobile version available so you can work no matter when and where you experience a problem.

Environmentalists will also like Notepad ++. It has programs that run on less CPU power to reduce carbon emissions.

Notepad ++ is free for everyone! So you do not have to worry about extra money or hidden costs.

# 3 – Brackets Review – Best for Beginners

Brackets splash page for best HTML editors

Brackets is another very popular HTML editor for programmers that is compatible with various operating systems such as Windows, Mac and Linux. It has a built-in package manager that allows users to search for and install a supported package.

I highly recommend this open source HTML editor for beginners because of the clever automated completion feature that makes coding incredibly fast and accurate.

The UI code of the bracket can be divided into several windows, which makes writing and comparing codes between different files easy and accurate. With the integrated file system browser, you can access files on your computer.

Brackets interface for the best HTML editors

In addition, it has a search-and-replace feature that allows developers to refine the code if needed. It can be helpful for beginners and experienced professionals to ensure that their website stays up to date.

Style and customization are very simple and straightforward, so coding will never get boring with brackets.

The pre-installed syntax themes feature dark and flashy bright colors. Without a shortage of packages on the platform, you can add as many features as you want, based on your usage case and preference.

Brackets are completely free! You can download it directly from the official website

Please note: Bracket support ends in September 2021. You can fork projects on GitHub or migrate to Visual Studio Code, a free code editor from Microsoft.

# 4-Sublime Text Review- Best for Multiple Language Support

Sublime text splash page for the best HTML editors

Elevated text is the advanced version of Notepad ++. It features the standard features of Notepad ++, as well as more modern features that suit the sophisticated needs of the more experienced users.

You get platform support, split editing, multiple-choice editing, custom command palette and syntax editing to simplify web development. The editor is incredibly powerful and promises high performance. However, you have a steeper learning curve in front of you in exchange for this flexibility and strength.

One of the more advanced features of Sublime Text is “Go to anything.” By using it, you can find and replace the code in a significantly shorter period of time. The distraction-free mode is another excellent feature that only displays the code by hiding other elements.

Sublime text interface for the best HTML editors

You can use shortcuts to perform tasks quickly – provided you can remember them. Everything is also easily customizable in the editor, whether you want to personalize key bindings to snippets to menus.

Sublime Text, accessible to Windows, Mac and Linux, also supports various languages ​​such as C, HTML, C ++, C #, Java, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby and many more.

Sublime Text has a free version for beginners, but if you want access to all its features, you have to pay a one-time fee of $ 80.

# 5 – Adobe Dreamweaver CC Review – Best for Web Developers

Adobe Dreamweaver Splash Page for Best HTML Editors

Most other options work great for front-end development, but it is also necessary to have an HTML editor that facilitates back-end development Adobe Dreamweaver CC come in.

This editor, produced by the well-known company Adobe, is definitely one of the most well-known and influential options on the market. You get all sorts of plugins and premium features that you would not normally have access with other HTML editors.

Whether it’s creating more responsive websites or editing the website code, Dreamweaver makes everything possible.

This editor is a closed source software designed to work within the Adobe ecosystem. It supports both the text and WYSIWYG methods, so you can choose between encoding with a live visual presentation or following the traditional path. You can write code in any major programming language and enjoy access to creative cloud libraries.

Web developers will especially like Adobe Dreamweaver CC. It automatically verifies the code and accessibility of the page, making it easier for developers to follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and even review the end product.

In addition, direct access to an abundance of supply assets in the Adobe ecosystem, such as graphics, layers, colors, words, characters, and more, is another benefit.

Adobe Dreamweaver paid page for the best HTML editors

Dreamweaver has a free version, but you can also opt for premium plans. You have three options:

  • Annual plan, payable monthly – $ 25.99 per month
  • Monthly Plan – $ 31.49 per month
  • Annual plan, prepaid – $ 239.88 per year

What I was looking for to find the best HTML editor

HTML editors – free as well as paid – have several cosmetic features. Based on your business needs, you will find that some are absolutely essential, while others may not need you at all.

I have compiled a list of features that I think a good HTML editor should have. You may not need them all, but here’s what to look for when choosing an HTML editor.

Color coding or syntax highlighting

HTML has a brand-based markup language. You need an HTML editor with syntax highlighting or color coding to highlight these labels.

Doing so allows you to quickly identify the labels, which in turn will make working with blocks of code easier.

Auto completion and suggestions

The auto-complete feature and suggestions help you fill in longer code quickly with the push of a button.

The editor gives you suggestions based on your work; you just have to click on it, and the code will be completed automatically. Think about typing text messages on your phone or searching Google quickly.

You can also make the closing tabs automatic through this feature.

Search and replace

I highly recommend that you search for code editors with the search and replace feature, as you can locate certain strings and replace them with something else very quickly.

In addition, standards are constantly changing and changing, eliminating updates and ineffective labels. You will definitely want this feature to update your website sometime in the future.

Version control

Version control editors allow you to view previous versions of your code and roll back when needed.

As a result, you can save all the copies without creating separate documents, and I know how important it is to work with other developers.

Multi-Cursor functionality

The role of multi-pointers is simple: you can write code in several places at once. In other words, you can edit code at the same time.

This is especially useful if you want to add duplicates of the same tag.

FTP support and debugging

By getting HTML editors with FTP support, you can easily connect to WordPress and upload any changes you want. As a result, you will not have to log in to FileZilla or your FTP client every time you want to update something.

Live debugging is just as important.

HTML is a markup language and not a programming language, so it is not compiled. It also means you can not test your code. However, with live debugging, you know immediately when you are writing something wrong.

In addition, there are other features, such as folding code and auto-save, which can increase productivity and accuracy.

Please note: If you are looking for a code editor with advanced features and platform integration, you need an integrated development environment or IDE rather than a text editor. Although IDEs are similar to HTML editors, they are more complicated for advanced developers.


HTML editors are a must for any web development and design toolkit. Not only can you create code faster, but it also simplifies the whole process by helping you avoid errors.

The only benefit is to choose an option that suits your needs.

You can choose an option from my best choices or look for other alternatives in the market. Here is a complete list of the best choices:

Try searching for prospective editors that include syntax highlighting and preview. If you want something more sophisticated, a search-and-replace feature is a great addition.

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