SINGAPORE – If you get your news online or from social media, how do you determine if it’s reliable or fake? With anyone now able to publish information online, it is becoming harder to distinguish fact from fiction.

A simple way to help parents and children get credible information is to use search engines more effectively by specifying the topic and confirming information sources, said Mr Mervin Ang, manager (outreach) at the National Library Board (NLB).

He was speaking to The Straits Times’ senior education correspondent Sandra Davie on an askST@NLB discussion about relearning how to read.

The virtual talk, a collaboration between The Straits Times and NLB, was shared on ST’s Facebook page at 7pm on Friday (May 27).

Mr Ang also weighed in on Programme for International Student Assessment, or Pisa, which measures how well 15-year-olds around the world use their mathematics, science and reading skills to solve problems. It also studies other education trends, including reading…

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