Highlights :

  • Google has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with French utility company called Engie for the supply of 100 MW of green energy.
  • Irish Firms Statkraft and Energia Group will be providing 900 MW clean energy to Microsoft.

IT conglomerates Google and Microsoft are increasingly opting for ways to decarbonise their businesses and help timely transition to green and clean energy. In a fresh development, both the companies have announced the signing of new agreements that will help them lower carbon footprint of their IT operations by the employment of renewable energy in their data centres.

According to reports, Google has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with French utility company Engie for the supply of 100 MW of green energy produced in the Moray West offshore wind farm. The offshore facility is based in Scotland. The deal will help to power the UK operations of Google.

Google has said that the new agreements for green power employment will bring the…

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