
What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a free advertising program that allows online publishers to earn money by displaying third-party Google ads on their sites.

Businesses pay to advertise through AdSense. And site owners get a share of that revenue based on clicks or ad impressions.

This is what a Google AdSense ad might look like on a website:

Google AdSense advertisement

Let’s take a look at how to earn money with Google AdSense and how it works.

How does Google AdSense work?

Here’s how Google AdSense works in just three steps:

Step 1. Sign up and make your website available for advertising.

When you you AdSense accountGoogle will review your website to make sure it complies with its policies.

Once approved, you will need to add a code to your site. Then you can choose the ad formats you want. And where you want them to appear.

Ad formats include in-page (within main body), anchor (edge ​​of screen) and vignette (full screen). Amongst other things.

please note: You can also earn money by displaying ads in your YouTube videos. To do so, set up an AdSense account from within YouTube Studio.

Step 2. Advertisers start bidding.

Then AdSense uses an auction to select the ads that appear on your site.

Usually whoever bids the highest wins.

To learn more about how AdSense auctions work and how you can increase demand (and potentially profit) for your ad space, read this AdSense Auction Guide.

Step 3. You get paid.

Google will ask you to add your payment information and personal details so that you can get paid.

Once you’ve done this, Google will pay you at the end of each month for clicks, impressions and other interactions with the ads displayed on your website.

You will 68% of the advertising revenue recognized by Google.

How much can you earn with AdSense?

You can’t really know how much money you will make with AdSense until you try it.

The amount depends on many factors, such as:

  • How much traffic you get
  • Your niche
  • Where searchers are located
  • Where ads are displayed on your site
  • Etc.

But you can get rough estimates. Try AdSense’s first income calculator.

Set your visitor location and website content category (finance, gaming, health, etc.). And you’ll get a projection of what your annual income could look like.

see how much you can earn from adsense

Toggle the “Monthly Pageviews” slider to see how much you can potentially make based on views.

Want to know a little more about how AdSense calculates your earnings? There are two basic models:

  1. Per click
  2. Per impression

To calculate per-click commissions, AdSense looks at how often users click on the ads on your site and multiplies it by cost per click (CPC).

CPC measures how much an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on an ad. In this case, an ad on your website.

To calculate per-impression commissionsAdSense looks at how often users see the ads on your site and multiplies it by cost per mile (CPM).

CPM measures the cost an advertiser pays for 1,000 impressions or views of an ad.

Various factors, such as your niche, the ad units and formats you use, and your location, will also play a role in these calculations.

AdSense income calculators can give you an idea of ​​what you may earn with AdSense. But you won’t know exactly how much you can earn with AdSense until you actually start using it.

How to make money with Google AdSense

Let’s take a look at some best practices that can help you maximize your revenue potential with AdSense.

Follow Google AdSense policies

Google has strict program policies. Many of them discourage deceptive practices that can increase your earnings.

This includes things like:

  • Click on your own ads
  • To encourage others to click on advertisements
  • Redirect users to unwanted websites
  • Buy traffic or clicks

And so on.

Google may disable your account if you do not comply with their policies

And if your account is deactivated, you will not qualify for further participation in the AdSense program.

Make sure you read the program’s policies be careful if you are not familiar with its terms.

Publish content regularly

AdSense is a traffic game.

Without traffic, no one will see or click on your ads. Which means no income for you.

So you need steady traffic if you want users to land on your page. And, ideally, engage with your ads.

The best way to reach your target audience organically is to create high quality, SEO optimized content.

This means you must:

  • Target keywords people are searching for
  • Match search intent
  • Optimize on-page SEO elements

To learn more about creating high-ranking content that drives traffic, check us out SEO writing guide.

Target high-CPC keywords

Regardless of your site’s niche, you should aim to find (and target) keywords with a high CPC.

These are the keywords that can potentially bring in the most AdSense revenue.

Use Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool to quickly find the CPC of any query.

To do this, enter your keyword in the search bar and click “Search.”

Like this:

semrush query magic tool

You will see a table with a lot of data. The keyword’s CPC is in the “CPC” column on the right.

where to find keyword's CPC

You’ll also see CPC data for related keywords.

CPC data for related keywords

And other useful metrics, such as “Volume” and “Keyword Difficulty (KD%)“.

volume and keyword difficulty

Volume show a keyword’s search volumeor the average number of monthly searches for a keyword.

KD% shows how difficult it will be to rank organically on the first page of Google for a keyword.

Focus on writing content around keywords with high CPC, high traffic and low KD%.

Place your ads above the fold

Ad placement is one of the most important factors that affects how many people click or see your ads.

And so, how much money you can earn.

It is best to place your ads above the fold. Where visitors can see it without scrolling.

It can be either at the very top or in the sidebar.

However, always keep the user experience in mind. Visitors are there to read your content, not to see and click on ads.

Think about how to integrate ads without obstructing the user’s path.

It is hard and difficult to get right. Play around with ad placement until you find that perfect balance.

Clue: You can also let Google place ads for you by enabling Auto ads. Google will scan your site and place ads where they are likely to perform well and generate revenue.

But be sure to review the ads that Google places to make sure you’re happy with where they are and how they affect the user experience.

Use AdSense Experiments

With the “Experiments” page, AdSense lets you test variations of ad units and settings against each other.

This splits your traffic between the two configurations you want to test. And measure performance side by side so you can see which performs better.

For example, you can test:

  • Different link colors
  • Boundaries versus no boundaries
  • Ad size
  • Ad style (link, banner, image, video)

And more.

Test constantly to make informed decisions. And constantly optimize to increase your earnings.

Increase your site’s traffic and rankings

Now you know how Google AdSense works and how to make money with it. And that one of the most important factors is traffic to your site.

Take it a step further by boosting your site’s traffic and Google rankings.

Here are several resources to help you get there:


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