This post was sponsored by DinoRANK. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

Google is a great source of qualified and recurring traffic for your business – that’s a fact.

Many people say that the key to SEO success is to establish yourself as an authoritative source for all the keywords in your industry, even niche keywords.

Unfortunately, your competition is doing the same thing. In some cases, you may even be competing with yourself.

Everyone is creating the same content to rank high on Google. So, you need to set yourself apart.

Your competition may be using the same niche keywords as you, but are they optimizing their domain’s SEO by cleaning up cannibalized content and keyword cannibalization?

They may not be; so, this is a great way to propel your website to the top of Google.

How To Clean Up Cannibalizations & Rank Higher Than Your Competition

What Is Keyword Cannibalization In SEO?

As you may know, sometimes two or more URLs on the same domain may…

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