How to write a guest post and pitch it ethically by providing data driven, valuable and original content involves targeting and researching your niche in order to aligh the audence of the website or blog and personalising each outreach message. Statista says “how-to articles’ are the most popular content format, with 77% of users favoring them when accepting guest post pitches.


When pitching content to either a blog or a news website, consider the following:Blogging Statistics

By focusing on building genuine connections and providing valuable content, you can increase your chances of having your guest post accepted and maintaining a positive reputation within the blogging community.

Effective strategies for pitching a guest post

  1. Research and Target the Right Blogs:
  • Before reaching out to a blog with a guest post pitch, conduct thorough research to identify the most suitable platforms that align with your expertise and target audience.
  • Consider factors such as the blog’s…

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