Andi Search today is launching a new semantic content engine, as well as better source attribution and a new user experience.

Concepts over keywords. Andi Search is now better at understanding concepts, according to company founder Angela Hoover. The goal is to better highlight content. Being able to rank content semantically helps Andi do that, Hoover said.

  • “What makes the web great is the high-quality content that producers spend hours researching, writing and creating. Fair content attribution, however, has been an issue in search from all the way back when Google started doing snippets, and now LLM search opens up a new paradigm for an experience that buries the original content producer even more.
  • “Our commitment is to showcase great content and useful information, not steal it. There’s a way to do GenAI search that benefits both the user and producers of media,” Hoover said.

What it looks like. Here’s an example search for [suggest ideas for lowering blood pressure as a 35…

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