• Fantom, Arbitrum, and Optimism attained more daily active addresses in a week than seven months ago.
  • The combined on-chain activities of the three are far behind that of the BNB Chain.
  • On-chain activities include using dApp, creating new wallets, DAO voting, and swaps.

The smart contract development activities on some blockchain networks have recently increased compared to what was obtainable seven months ago. According to data from the crypto market tracker, Nansen, the blockchains of Fantom, Arbitrum, and Optimism now have more active addresses per day than they had in a week seven months ago.

The chart Nansen shared illustrated that the three mentioned blockchains now rank among the top ten by on-chain activity volume.

On-chain activity is thriving Fantom, Arbitrum & Optimism now have more active addresses per day than they had in a week 7 months ago#BNBChain 1.27M#Polygon 834K#Fantom 457K#Ethereum 420K#Solana (Wallet accounts) 299K#Arbitrum 74K#Optimism 42K#Avalanche…

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