There are three good reasons why a pay-per-click campaign is still preferred by a lot of online business marketers today, this despite the appearance of other efficient—and free—methodologies. First, the results are very quick. Once you can run your ads live, they can already be visited by your target market. Second, with the use of different analytics tool, you can already measure the performance and success of your campaign. Third, traffic is a lot more targeted, thereby increasing your conversion rate.

Nevertheless, for your PPC campaign to really work to your advantage, you also need to implement some strategies to it. You can start with the following:

1. Be very specific with your keywords. This may sound like a broken record, but keywords play a very huge role when it comes to your PPC campaign. The appearance of your ad will depend on it. What’s more, using generic keywords can lead to clicks by Internet users who are not really interested with what you’re selling. Thus, if you want to increase your sales for ceramic vases from Australia, you may want to use the keyword “Australia ceramic vases” than “vases” or “ceramics.”

2. Offer something that would entice your customers to click. Who doesn’t want free downloads or reports? Perhaps you can also offer discounts. There are plenty of ways on how you can bring your target market into your website, and giving something that is for bargain or for free will surely perk up their interest.

3. Improve your landing page. Your ad will only be the first part of the process. What really makes your ad work is the landing page, the URL where you will drive your visitors. Make sure that it’s compelling enough to convert your visitors to be your customers. If not, you should be able to urge them to check out your website to see what you have. Most of all, check the link at all times and make sure that it’s live or running.

4. Learn to budget. The good thing about PPC is that you can actually control how much you can spend for it. Controlling your budget means settling for slightly competitive or highly specific keywords, since there are a lot cheaper and competition is not that tough. It may also mean getting rid of keyword campaigns that are not driving enough traffic or worse not converting excellently.