Google Analytics is one of the most widely used web analytics tools that reveal interesting insights about your website or blog visitors.
According to, Google Analytics is used by 56.4% of all the websites on the internet, more than 7 times the next famous traffic analysis tool option, Facebook Pixel. Google Analytics dominates the field and garners an 85.4% share of the traffic analysis tool market.
With Google Analytics massive popularity, it is very surprising to know that many still find it hard to use and interpret it properly.
At first glance, Google Analytics often seems complicated to most marketers and even more confusing to the majority of business owners, but this is not actually the case. Unfortunately, many are still not aware of its actual capabilities, especially when it comes to analyzing a website or blog’s performance.
In this article, we will discuss some crucial Google Analytics Reports, which can help you analyze and evaluate your blog’s performance.
Cohort Analysis
Cohort report shows the percentage of returning users and is an excellent way to find out how many of your website visitors are repeat visitors. You need to click on “Audience” and then navigate to “Cohort Analysis”. Once you are in Cohort Analysis, you will see a graph similar to the one below:
You can select and sort “by week” under the Cohort size drop-down menu. By selecting “Last 12 Weeks” under the “date range,” you will see a table similar to the one below:
This table shows the percentage of users who returned to your website each week. When you have a high percentage of returning visitors, it means what you are doing is working. Check the landing pages to see where they came from and find out what pages your visitors go to after their initial visit.
Analyzing your returning visitors’ activity can help determine what type of content makes them come back. This step saves you the time and resources in planning your next blog topic.
Location Report
Google Analytics also gives you the option to see a country-wise breakdown of your visitors. You need to click on the “Audience” tab, then select “Geo,” and then choose “Location.” You will see a table similar to the one below.
You can see the list of countries from where most of your visitors come to your blog.
From the screenshot above, it shows that majority of the blog traffic comes from four countries. Use this information to help you understand the needs of your blog readers.
Device Overlap
People nowadays browse websites from multiple devices, including computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and more. Google Analytics allows you to see how many of your loyal followers are visiting your website from multiple devices. You can see the device overlap statistics by navigating to “Cross-Device” from “Audience” and then selecting “Device Overlap”.
You will see a graph similar to the above image, which will show a breakdown of users and the devices they used to visit your website.
Knowing the types of device your readers used to access your blog can help you gain a clearer perspective of their lifestyle.
Source Report
You can check the source of all your traffic via Source report which you can find by clicking on the “Source/Medium” tab within “All Traffic” in “Acquisition” report. You will see a table similar to the one below:
This table lists all your traffic sources along with the number of users, new users, bounce rate, pages per session, and average session duration.
The report mainly gives you a more detailed information on how your readers found you online and how much revenue these traffic sources bring.
Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools available to any marketer and is used by millions of bloggers and website owners across the world. The reports mentioned above are just a few of the many that can be easily accessed via Google Analytics dashboard.
You must learn to study the data you receive from these reports because it will help you develop strategies that can increase your blog’s revenue and user base overtime. The best way to master Google Analytics is to simply use it. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to get the help of the professionals to save you time and resources.
If you think you need a Google Analytics training, don’t hesitate to contact the Google Analytics experts at KISS PR.